Many kind words from Patrons, students, and more.
Merci, mes amis !
Get your daily dose of France and join this happy crew.

France with Vero Patron meet-up in Sacramento, CA.

Vero is a true professional – knowledgeable, caring, efficient, and fun. A pleasure to travel with.

She was always positive and had a smile on her face! I felt she really cared about how the group was enjoying France and the tour, and it was very clear she loves France and wanted to share that with us.

I’m not sure there is anybody else on social media who does such a thorough job researching and sharing news/info about France. You pretty much hit all the topics: language, culture, history, politics, tourism, etc. You’re not a “lazy sharer.” You actually take the time to comment and elaborate on what you share, explaining why it is relevant: it increases your community’s interest and engagement. And you supplement all that with your original posts. You’re a great ambassador. I wonder how you get any sleep…

France with Vero is easy to follow. I learn a lot. I see places virtually that I may never see in person. But when I get to some of those places, I will know what I’m looking at. And with any luck, I’ll understand a little bit of the French language and culture and be able to make myself understood as well.

You are the very best in this beautiful space! Your authenticity around & love for la belleFrance (along with your vast knowledge & experience leading North American travelers) make following your content and learning from you a winning proposition. Also, your masterful ability to pivot/grow your business by continually adding value (even while the world shut down!) offers your travel-loving patrons peace of mind that everything will be OK. Thank you so so much!

Loving very personal interactions with an expert French guide who has an excellent rapport with English speakers.

Your personality makes me feel like we are friends, your knowledge of real life USA, your perfect english and your content goes deeper than “influencers”.

YOU make the difference! Your insights, humor, knowledge, passion, and “je ne sais quoi”charisma attract followers and keep us coming back for more. ♥️

It’s authentic, personal, and real-time. Not necessarily constructed for a particular audience or explicit business opportunity.

I think your knowledge of history, in-depth research on sites and activities presented in live/video presentations is superior to many other France-focused content creators. I have recommended you and your site to several francophile friends because of that depth of content, your sense of humor, positive attitude toward life, insights you give about your life inFrance, frankness, willingness to share some of your personal circumstances and daily life, including your son’s appearances. I appreciate how diligent you are about your work and how concerned you are about your interaction with and services for your followers.

You are a genuinely knowledgeable guide to the sites and culture of France. Because you have lived in the USA, you have a unique ability to compare and contrast life in the two nations—a real plus for American travelers. Plus, you are fun to follow, always upbeat, often humorous, and lively.

What I love about your content is your authentic love for France and your love for sharing it with us. You’ve made it so accessible and enjoyable! I hope to someday be on one of your tours, but in the meantime, this is such an enjoyable way to learn more about this country I love (from the gloom of Seattle, no less). 😉 Thank you, Vero!

It is consistent content across many platforms / mediums and we have the ability to catch up via YouTube on things we missed which I love. So sometimes when we are missing France we can just go and watch an old video to bring the memories back.

Very warm & welcoming community – led by an equally warm & welcoming person (Vero!) who is very generous with content and information on life in France.

You always seem to have your followers (and “La Bande,” your patrons) in mind. We feel like we are traveling and experiencing French life with you, often in a behind the scenes way. I don’t have many personal friends who are as passionate about France as I am, but I would tell them to follow and support you for a remarkable French experience.

There is so much more interaction in your online community-your live video tours are the next best thing to an in person tour

Sooo much more content, super high quality, insightful, interesting, valuable content!

Everything you do is super interesting and I look forward to everything! I LOVE all you do and provide. There is truly no one like you – a big merci beaucoup to you!
I can also vouch for the French for the Traveler workshop. It was interesting and very fun and it has actually helped me a lot with my Alliance Française classes. I STILL refer to notes and your handouts. Merci encore ! ❤️

Fun, informative, unbiased, unpolitical, just simply La Belle France at its finest and sometimes not it’s best, BUT always truthful information.

I love this interactive community and the ability to share with and learn from others. I feel like La Bande is a very personal group/experience and I have made several online friends. I’m so appreciative of how involved you are with us, Véro.

I love that we are being shown France by a native, who also understands we are not natives!

France with Vero is unique: While Vero is French through and through, her many years spent in the USA have given her great insight into how to bridge across the cultures. Fun and bubbly personality with a deep knowledge of her subject matter.

Your walking tours are top notch and I can watch them at my convenience.

Interesting tours that show more than just the major sights. Interesting neighborhoods and highlights of how people live in Paris and elsewhere in France. It is a quick trip to France without leaving your home!

You feel like a friend. That is the biggest and most important difference with other content creators covering France.

Thank you for all your photos, videos, etc. You have the best views of France!

I loved the article ‘Finding Unexpected Paris.’ I am a regular visitor to Paris, my grandmother was French and I feel such a connection whenever I arrive from Sydney, Australia, at Charles de Gaulle – Your blogs/articles are a huge benefit to my knowledge of that beautiful city. Love everything you post – delightful.

Thank you so much for your wonderful Facebook page. For sharing so much beauty and truth. For the inspirational posts, and the educational posts. And most importantly, for the truly enlightening posts such as this one {a story about the martyred village of Oradour-sur-Glane.} Please keep on educating the world about France, its truly wonderful people and culture. There is still so much for us to learn!

I so enjoy your posts. I dream of going to Paris and explore all of France. You make the places come alive. All the sights, the sounds, the smells, the experiences are just wonderful! Thank you so much.

I just want to tell you that your posts add spark to my days. Love France — love your posts. Thank you so much.

Merci! I hope you will continue to share and also inform us. I can’t tell you how much I not only enjoy but learn from your posts. You are the ‘Armchair Travelers’ eyes and ears, which I so appreciate!

Your Facebook page is the first one I visit in the morning. I am a little bit obsessed with France, and I always learn something new from you. You are a great Ambassador of French culture.

I just had to write and tell you how much I appreciate this group. I have had a lifelong love affair with everything French. It is such a beautiful place to spend a little part of my day, and I thank you.

I remember your Paris travel workshop. Had such a good time and learned a lot. Came in handy when we visited Paris. Believe it or not, I still have the hand outs and my notes. 🙂 Oh, and you gave me a recommendation for Les Ombres restaurant (Musée Branly.) I’m sure I’ve shared this somewhere on FB, but the short story is that your recommendation turned into reservations and a fabulous meal on New Years Eve! For that, I thank you. My limited French language skills somehow got me through introducing myself and friends and giving the reservations data. I must have spoken the language reasonably correctly, because I received a “Very good Sir” from the hostess. Love Paris!

You have a unique perspective on the differences and challenges American travelers may find in France, and you were very adept at preparing us for cultural, as well as linguistic ‘rough spots.’ Since you focused on the necessities of communicating, rather than perfect conjugation, I was able to maximize the benefits from your class… I Just wanted to let you know, now that my French adventure is over, how much fun I had in your class — and how useful it proved to be in Paris, Beaune, and Arles! There were a few hoteliers and restaurant owners who simply spoke no English — my lessons came in very handy. I was always able to convey my needs, for the most part (…)

Bob and I had such a wonderful trip! Thanks for all your helpful hints. We used our feeble French to order delicious meals from ‘le menu’, knew NOT to step on the beautiful grass in public gardens, and enjoyed the sun-worshipping crowds on the banks of the Seine.I can’t wait to go back! We speak often of our class with you — how much it enhanced our trip and how delightful the time we spent with you. Hopefully we’ll meet again in the future…I’m still interested in continuing my French lessons!

Returned from beautiful Paris on Tuesday evening. We had the best time. I have to say that this was in large part because of your great lessons! I did most of the talking since my friends did not study quite as much. Everything you taught came in very handy from arriving in France, working with the concierge at the hotel, shopping and of course ordering food! We also asked lots of directions – and understood the answers. We got so good at saying Bonjour Madame/Monsieur and Au Revoir, merci! That people did not automatically switch to English which, to us, was wonderful.