En terrasse? Maybe not.

It’s a brave new world in Paris and other French locales this winter.
Life “en terrasse” will be best experienced by those bundling up (or using blankets available at many eateries.)
Adieu, patio heaters!
We were all oblivious in the hot summer months, but you knew the guillotine blade was about to fall when an official decree confirmed measures promulgated in a 2021 law: As of March 31, 2022, heating outdoor public spaces has been “interdit” (prohibited) in la Belle France. Energy must be preserved at all cost this winter. The environment must be saved at all cost, always.
Even in rebellious France, few businesses will chance getting fined up to 1500 Euros just so their customers can pretend to be sitting by a fireplace while people-watching “en terrasse.”
Mauvaise nouvelle pour les poseurs du Flore et du café Marly! C’est la vie.
Essential questions remain: Will the new measure discourage smokers? How often will those blankets get cleaned? Will hotels add pairs of organic-cotton-adorned-with-the-new-Phryge-Olympic-mascot-long-john-underwear to their Welcome Baskets?
I suppose one could also pick up a blanket at the nearby Monoprix and turn it into a nomadic accessory? B.Y.O.B. — Bring Your Own Blanket.
“Le Système D” (resourcefulness) after all, is still a thing!
Qui (sur)vivra verra. Wait and see.

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