Le Bouillon du Petit Pharamond

In the land of Parisian eateries, “les bouillons” have always played a special part from the day they started offering affordable meals (including bowls of piping hot “bouillon,” or broth) to working classes and later to everyone.
They were “en vogue” for a good while, then they were gone with only a few surviving like the famous Bouillon Chartier.
A few years ago, they staged a comeback and “pullulent” (multiply) all over the French capital. Welcome to the “neo-bouillons.”
Fancy or not, they charm guests with traditional French dishes (oeufs mayo, boeuf bourguignon, profiterolles, anyone?) efficient service and great ambiance.
Everyone has a favorite, it seems. So do I.
Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond reopened in 2019, under new ownership. There are many reasons to like it: Affordable French cuisine classics, a prime location in the heart of the former “Belly of Paris” (les Halles,) a “classé” (protected) building, once a reputable restaurant serving Norman specialities and friendly, efficient service.
Welcome to la province… à Paris.
I went on a regular basis in 2020 and 2021 between lockdowns and often sat outside because… there was no other choice then.
Truth be told, this is probably one of few addresses in Paris where I won’t fight locals or tourists for a table “en terrasse.” Alone or with a friend, it’s too much fun traveling back in time on one of the three floors, surrounded with colorful painted mirrors and pâte de verre decor.

Inside Le Petit Pharamond a view of the beautiful stairs
In generous mood, I’ve sent visitors there. They had no complaints.
Le Petit Bouillon Pharamond
24 rue de la Grande Truanderie (can’t make this up!)
Paris, 1st arrt.

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