My life in Paris has never been boring. In a way, it has not slowed down since I relocated to France in March 2019. The fall has been no exception: I moved and settled into a new home, just before the Paris lockdown 2.0 got enforced.

My life in Paris: Au revoir, “the 7th Heaven

The 265 square foot studio I called home for 18 months has served me well. We’ve been through a lot together, including a two-month, strict lockdown. In this diminutive space under Parisian rooftops, I lived; worked as an itinerant tour guide; launched a business; taught French online; live-streamed; and shared moments of my Parisian life with France with Véro followers. The studio, its glorious views, its elevator, elevator repairman all became recognizable to my readers in their own right. I will miss the light, the glorious sunsets, and the unbeatable location a few hundred yards from le Bois de Vincennes, my favorite green space in Paris. Merci, “7th Heaven.” I will never forget you.

My life in Paris 7th Heaven
So long, 7th Heaven!

A new home

As of this fall, I have become a proud resident of the 17th arrondissement, thanks to a furnished, one-bedroom 485-square foot apartment. I have a real kitchen, with a full-size fridge and an oven. I have a walk-in closet. Don’t smile. We, Parisians, never take these luxuries for granted.

I live in one of these non-touristy, residential yet lively neighborhoods, that can be found in the French capital if you are willing (and able) to pay the price. Down the street from me, there are bistros, cafés, and all the food specialty stores French life is known for, with a few small supermarkets – and an excellent market street, la rue de Lévis – thrown in for good measure.

My life in Paris: Parks and gardens

I have traded the expansive Bois de Vincennes for two très Parisian parks, remodeled (le Parc Monceau) or created (le square des Batignolles) during the 2nd Empire, in the second half of the 19th century. It’s become clear over the last week, they are both going to play an important part in my life until the end of the year (and keep me sane.)

C’est le (re) confinement. Locked down. Again.

Back to square 1. The news fell last week: In the face of mounting COVID cases, the country needs to enter another lockdown. Cue in twitching and complaining. Deep down, everyone knew this was coming (Why do you think I did my best to move out of my studio before fall returned?) Still, it wouldn’t be France if everyone didn’t argue (publicly) with the authorities. French social media channels are abuzz with confinement-related comments. Will the second lockdown work? Will we get a grip on the virus? Not to mention Holiday celebrations are on the line. Fingers crossed.

By now, we are all too familiar with what’s ahead…

We are restricted to an hour of daily exercise, within 1 kilometer (0.6 miles) of our main residence. A mental game feels strangely familiar: Can we reach some of the Parisian landmarks we spot in the distance (beyond the perimeter of our new life,) without getting in trouble? Many among us will never figure out the answer.

One thing’s for sure, boulangeries and pâtisseries will come in handy, and no matter what we do, we *must* hang on to these “attestations” (permission slips,) whenever we step outside. Or we must be ready to face the consequences. How’s a 135 Euro (160 USD) fine to start?

Mouna pain, breadMerci, merci, merci!

  • The roaming permission slip
My life in Paris permission slip

    The roaming permission slip

  • My life in Paris Croissant

A bientôt.


My new life in the 17th arrondissement: selected virtual tours

Parc Monceau virtual tour
Parc Monceau, virtual tour replay
Rue de Levis virtual tour

          Rue de Lévis, a popular Parisian market street. Virtual tour replay. 

Véronique - France with Véro
Véronique of France with Véro

Véronique of France with Véro

Vero shares her homeland weekly on social media with virtual tours, photo essays, live events and other publications at France with Vero. Learn more.

Or click a link below to read the next (or previous) post...allons-y !


  1. Robyn l wozab on November 4, 2020 at 4:15 pm

    Merci Veronique,,I’m smiling

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 8:16 am

      I am happy this made you smile, Robyn 🙂

  2. Véro on November 4, 2020 at 11:14 pm

    I love the view from your table!
    Happy new confinement to you. Bon courage 😉

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 8:16 am

      Bonjour. This is my kitchen window view. It reminds me of “the 7th Heaven” 🙂

  3. Maria Norcia Santillanes on November 5, 2020 at 3:38 am

    How very nice! I still enjoy reading a blog and looking at pictures. This blog is very nice, and your new apartment sounds delightful. Enjoy! Stay safe, stay well, take courage in these times of re-confinement.

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 8:17 am

      Merci Maria. I will do my best. Thank you for stopping by today!

  4. Andi on November 5, 2020 at 6:02 am

    I love your new home! It looks like a terrific
    location, too. I know you will be happy there! Thanks.

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 8:17 am

      Merci Andi. So far, so good.

  5. Marcelle Knauff on November 5, 2020 at 6:43 am

    Véro, enjoy all the delicious things you can store in your full-sized fridge. I would love to try the bread with orange blossom! It’s my favorite perfume and a cherished memory of my time in Nice! Merci!

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 8:18 am

      Bonjour Marcelle. They call it “Mouna.” I call it “fougasse.” Either way, it’s delicious!

  6. Judith on November 5, 2020 at 7:04 am

    Véro, you so deserve all this new living space! I am beyond impressed at how you have reinvented yourself during this pandemic. Just look at how many of us are now members of your club, and the compliments keep pouring in as you take us along through the streets of Paris. It’s a city many of us long for, in fact I should be in France for my 2 1/2 month Autumn trip at this very moment. Thank you for all your efforts! They are much appreciated!

    • Karrin Willey on November 5, 2020 at 8:01 am

      So happy that you have a new home, a little more space to spread out for the dark months of winter. The new neighborhood looks delightful…..of course its Paris!!! Take good ❤

      • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 8:20 am

        Merci Karrin. Both the apartment and the ‘hood will be godsends in the winter months, I think. Thank you for the encouragement.

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 8:19 am

      Merci beaucoup Judith. I know this has been a challenging year for all Paris (and France) lovers. Fingers crossed international travel resumes soon. Until then, you can stop by chez moi any time.

  7. Karrin Willey on November 5, 2020 at 8:06 am

    So happy that you have a new home, a little more space to stretch during the dark months of winter. The new neighborhood looks delightful……of course it’s Paris!!! Take good care..❣

  8. Kathy Alexander on November 5, 2020 at 9:01 am

    When I tell my friends and family about what confinement in Paris entails, they can hardly believe it and it makes our restrictions here pale in comparison. We all send our best wishes and virtual hugs to you! Enjoy that lovely new space and lively neighborhood.

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 12:07 pm

      Merci beaucoup Kathy. This confinement feels a bit different from the last one, but it still puts a damper on things, that’s for sure. It’s all for a good cause, they assure us. A bientôt!

  9. Lois Lisowski on November 5, 2020 at 12:00 pm

    The view from your kitchen table looks lovely! I’m so happy for you that you have more room, especially with the confinement. Stay safe & take care.

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 12:06 pm

      Merci Lois. Having more room is a luxury that is not taken lightly in Paris!

  10. Jeanne Holloway Ridley on November 5, 2020 at 1:27 pm

    I adore your old and new homes! Beautiful! The parks and street scenes so make me want to be in Paris. Wishing you so much happiness in the new neighborhood. Wonderful that you have time to enjoy the gorgeous days on your walks before cooler weather arrives. The view from Oarc. Onceau toward the Arc de Triomphe. By the way, are you familiar with Yves Duteil’s lovely chanson “Parc Monceau—-one of my favorites. Stay well, Vero.

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 10:22 pm

      Bonjour Jeanne. Thank you for mentioning Yves Duteil’s song. I had forgotten it. Just listened to it again 🙂 A bientôt.

  11. Laurie on November 5, 2020 at 3:16 pm

    I stayed in the 17th my last time in Paris (February 2020). Such a lovely area to live in. Parc Monceau is an amazing space to live close to. Enjoy!

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 5, 2020 at 10:21 pm

      I agree I am lucky to have le Parc Monceau nearby. It will help me stay sane…

  12. Cheryl Moore on November 6, 2020 at 11:07 am

    Congratulations on your new apartment! It must be wonderful to have more space. The park photos are just beautiful and great that you are so close by to take walks and just enjoy. I am very impressed with all your business endeavors during this unprecedented time in our lives. Your joie de vivre is very uplifting on many gray days. We now await the result of the presidential election while the world watches. The virus cases are skyrocketing in the US with no end in sight. Hope springs eternal… Take care

    • French Girl in Seattle on November 7, 2020 at 1:23 am

      Merci Cherie. Wonderful to hear from you as always. Yes, hope springs eternal. In France as well, rest assured. Stay healthy and sane. This is a marathon, and we will see the end of it. A bientôt.

  13. Cecile Wheatley on May 25, 2021 at 3:46 pm

    Bonjour Vero. I have not set up my new laptop to write in French. Hence the lack of accent punctuation. Just a note to congratulate you on a magnificent effort! Grueling, but well worth it! Love your site, and your channel. Thank you for all you offer! Merci!


    • French Girl in Seattle on May 25, 2021 at 11:34 pm

      Merci beaucoup Cecile. You have just reminded me I need to write another story on my favorite blog 🙂 It’s been a while since I wrote this one, and you might say a few things have happened since then… A bientôt!

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