Paris for the people: Belleville and Menilmontant

rue Laurence Savart, Ménilmontant, 20th arr.
Bienvenue à Belleville and Menilmontant. Once located outside the Paris city limits, these neighborhoods, like la Butte aux Cailles, les Batignolles, or Montmartre, were annexed after 1860 when Napoleon III and his wingman, Baron Haussmann, undertook the 20-year “remodel” that would give birth to the modern city we all know and love today. Of all the former villages of Paris, I like this area the most. Is it because it is located on a hill, with sweeping views of the French capital, like its neighbor Montmartre? Is it because Belleville and Menilmontant (once nicknamed Ménilmuche by locals,) were true quartiers populaires with working class roots, and a long tradition of welcoming and integrating those who needed a fresh start? Is it because the area is still largely ignored by tourists, lively, diverse and authentic in sections (along la rue de Belleville,) quaint, peaceful, and village-like in others? Is it because so many talented performers who are an integral part of the French cultural landscape were born and raised in Belleville and Menilmontant‘s streets (Can-can dancer Jane Avril, Edith Piaf, Maurice Chevalier, Eddy Mitchell to name just a few,) and others performed in movies filmed in the area (Simone Signoret and Serge Reggiani in Jacques Becker’s Casque d’Or?)
Maybe all of of the above.

Rue de Belleville

Aux Folies, once part of a guinguette, then a café-concert hall, still has a popular terrace day and night.
Belleville is a very large area by Parisian standards and straddles four arrondissements (the 19th and 20th in its upper section, the 10th and 11th at its lower end.) Even if several Metro stations stop there, it is best explored on foot, as one might expect when visiting Paris. When you exit the Metro on boulevard de Belleville (Metro Couronnes or Belleville,) it is a fairly long climb to the top of the hill along rue de Belleville. If you arrive on a Tuesday or Friday morning, you will get to enjoy the bustling Belleville market. As you walk your way uphill, along rue de Belleville and in nearby streets, you will spot Chinese eateries, traditional cafés, new coffee shops patronized by hipsters and young professionals, boulangeries, multi-ethnic restaurants honoring the diverse roots of the neighborhood (Jewish, Spanish, African, Algerian, Tunisian, Asian and more,) complete with Frenchified Tacos and Burger joints (gentrification is alive and well in many Parisian arrondissements.) Artists have always loved it here. Street art is ubiquitous, like in the endangered rue Denoyez, where graffiti is legal and used as a powerful form of expression. Sadly, even in unapologetically leftist neighborhoods like Belleville and Menilmontant, with a long tradition of social unrest and resistance (during the violent Commune uprising in the 1870s, residents fought long and hard against the Versailles army, and their barricades were the last ones to fall,) real estate developers may win and tear down la rue Denoyez soon in spite of residents’ efforts to save it.

“New” coffee shops in the “new” Paris. (FGIS udpate: June 2018. Cream is now closed.)

Graffiti, rue Dénoyez
In les Hauts de Belleville (the upper section of the neighborhood,) A popular place to explore is le Parc de Belleville, a far cry from the classical Parc des Buttes Chaumont or the elegant downtown parks, le Luxembourg and les Tuileries. It’s still new (1982,) it’s modern, and, like Montmartre, it offers sweeping views of the French capital, but without the crowds.

From the Parc de Belleville

From the Parc de Belleville: Tour Montparnasse, Notre-Dame, and Musée Georges Pompidou (Beaubourg)

Détente au Parc de Belleville
A vineyard reminds visitors of Belleville‘s past as a major wine producer. Way back when, Belleville was an independent hilltop village surrounded by vineyards, orchards, and gardens. On Sundays, local guinguettes provided cheap entertainment and welcomed workers and artists.

In the tradition of yesteryear’s Guinguettes: Le Vieux Belleville, “restaurant musette“
Today, artists are still there, working in their ateliers (workshops,) tucked away in narrow alleys and courtyards, out of sight. Every year, for a few days during the Portes Ouvertes event in May, studios open to the public, and entrance is free. Hip bars have replaced the old guinguettes; but la Bellevilloise multidisciplinary arts centre, technically located in Ménilmontant, ensures a thriving vie de quartier (neighborhood life.) A historical building and a former worker co-op, it was fully renovated in 2005 and turned into a multi-cultural performance center, complete with a restaurant, exhibit hall, a childcare center, and a library.
If Belleville was once a village, Ménilmontant, its neighbor, was barely a hamlet, perched on a hill. Land was fertile, and access to spring water plentiful. In the 12th century, Religious orders who owned the land quickly understood there was an opportunity to supply downtown Paris with water (a vast improvement over the dirty, unsanitary Seine river routinely used by Parisians.) An aqueduct and underground pipelines were built. Belleville and Ménilmontant would supply the Right Bank with water for over five centuries. Many Ménilmontant street names today remind residents and visitors of this utilitarian past.

Rue des Cascades (Waterfalls street)
On a cold but sunny winter day during the Holidays, a friend and I strolled through the heart of the 20th arrondissement, in the area north of le Parc de Belleville, and west of lively rue de Ménilmontant. Starting rue des Envierges, outside le Parc de Belleville, we took a trip back in time as we explored the cobbled streets, pausing to take photos of quaint homes, peaceful streets and their four-legged residents.

Rue des Cascades

La maison aux volets verts

“Bonjour, le chat de Ménilmontant!” (Photo Peter Olson)
If downtown Paris has beautiful covered passages, like Galerie Vivienne or Galerie Jouffroy, Ménilmontant does them a bit differently: Passages and Cités are hidden pathways with small houses tucked away behind metal gates. These developments were built in the late 19th century for blue-collar workers. They can be found in many Parisian neighborhoods such as la Mouzaia, another favorite of mine.

Cité Leroy

Cité de l’Ermitage
Back to lively rue de Ménilmontant, the neighborhood’s lifeline, I could almost hear Maurice Chevalier’s voice and pictured him walking down the long street, whistling a favorite song, his famous canotier (straw hat) cheekily tilted to the side. In spite of cars and motorcycles zooming by, and pedestrians chatting away on their cell phones, I could see why so many people have chosen Ménilmontant as their quartier (neighborhood) for so many years. If you look closely, you realize how special it must be to live so close to downtown Paris, while enjoying the perks of residing dans le village de “Ménilmuche.”

Place Maurice Chevalier, Ménilmontant.

Place de Ménilmontant

Notre-Dame de la Croix de Ménilmontant
A bientôt.
More Belleville and Ménilmontant:
Follow me on a virtual tour as I explore more of this popular corner of Paris!
Charles Trénet sings “Ménilmontant” (1939) – Watch on YouTube
Casque d’Or, the movie, was filmed in a house located rue des Cascades, featured in this story. Here’s a video clip from the movie, when Simone Signoret and Serge Reggiani’s characters meet in a “guinguette.”

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(during the violent Commune uprising in the 1970s, residents fought long and hard against the Versailles army, and their barricades were the last ones to fall,)
Mai ’68 was wild and ructions continued into the 70s but I guess you meant “1870s”.
(you can delete this comment if you want).
Ha! Yes, I did mean 1870s. Thank you for catching that just a few minutes after I posted the article. I guess I should be careful when I write while enjoying my favorite dinner: cheese assortment and red wine 😉 Thank you for your visit.
We have added Menilmontant to our itinerary when we visit in July! Thanks for the great article.
Wonderful! I am glad to hear this, Lee. Let me know how you liked your visit when you return please!
Merci for telling us about other Parisian neighborhoods. They all have their unique charms. Looks like you had wonderful weather during you last trip. You make it all look so easy and delightful visiting these neighborhoods but you are French, afterall, smile.
Merci Cherie! The weather was amicable most days but very cold. I was wearing my favorite wool peacoat and a thin puffer coat underneath, not to mention a wool scarf, as you can tell in the photo! I do not mind cold weather when the sun shines. I get enough rain in Seattle and don’t care for it while exploring other cities 😉 As for making it easy, well… It is not that hard, really. You just go with a good map (mine is the trusted pocket-size “Plan de Paris par Arrondissement,”) and you walk… left… right… sometimes, it’s best not to plan too much. This is still Paris and most neighborhoods are safe, if you use common sense. 🙂
So many diverse and interesting neighborhoods that I am now privileged to enjoy.Thankyou Vero, for making this possible.
Avec plaisir Joyce. Thank you for following my adventures.
I too have added this wonderful neighborhoods to my visit in August this year.
Good to hear Bree. You can find several itineraries in English online if you Google “Belleville” or “Ménilmontant.” Bonne visite!
Super Veronique! Travail en profondeur, passionnant, très jolies photos.. Le chat et toi êtes superbes.
Merci beaucoup. C’est le chat, la vraie Star!
Tu as vraiment le chic pour montrer les plus beaux coins de Paris: bravo !
Merci beaucoup. J’en profite aussi pendant mes petits “reportages…”
Madame Veronique,
I’ve always loved the name Menilmontant. My father had an old book, with photos of this place.
Thank you so much for this tour, for your photos and your superb narrative. I find this quartier a magical place!
Apparently, it has everything, including some nice hotels. Is the US Master Card no longer honored in France?
When I return to Paris, I would love to stay in this neighborhood.
Your photo with that kitty is precious. You look beautiful, as usual.
Bonjour Maria. Thank you for your visit, as always. Glad you enjoyed your visit. I am not certain there are that many hotels in Belleville and Menilmontant, even if I am convinced one can find rental apartments easily there. Did you look them up? I am not sure I understand your comment about the Mastercard. The only card that occasionally gets turned down in France is Amex. Visa and Mastercard are accepted without any problem. A bientôt, Maria.
Thank you for this post. I follow you religiously on Facebook and find your information so helpful and interesting. Your posts keep me company on my train ride to and from work. I am headed back to France in September and plan to visit these areas. They weren’t on my radar on my last visit. One of my favorite things to do is just wander around the city and try to mix it up, seeing some of the famous landmarks, while at the same time not concentrating on just those. I find France to be quite a wonderful country and can’t wait to return.
Thank you very much Tracy. I am glad French Girl in Seattle keeps you company during your daily commute. You will enjoy visiting Belleville and Ménilmontant, I guarantee it.
I have read contradicting reviews about Belleville regarding safety. Is safety an issue? The area looks like a gem for fotos, but not sure if I want to be in the area with an expensive camera which screams “rob me!” I usually travel off the tourist path but also want to be smart, particularly when I travel with my 10 year old. Any feedback would be great.
Belleville is a lively area, and it is fine if you are aware of your surroundings like in any other urban environments. Follow la rue de Belleville uphill, go to the Parc de Belleville, and you will keep your 10-year old interested. A lot of street art to look at, even more in Menilmontant, nearby. I would stay away from some side streets and the park at night. Other than that, get out there and enjoy!
I laughed when I saw the cat. I feel betrayed I thought she/he only adored me.
also, sadly, Cream coffee has closed its doors (surprised as I thought it was doing quite well) The owner moved over to Canal Saint-Martin.
and to add to the film list.. we all have this burned into our collective memory.. well those at least born before 1970 perhaps.
Bonjour Rob. I apologize for the late reply. I just spent a few days in Paris and things got busy. I did not know Cream had closed, and realized you were right when I walked past its old location during my traditional Belleville walk. Dommage. So many new-style coffee shops in Paris right now, however. As for the cat, she is very sorry you are feeling betrayed, but she claims she is a friendly cat and has to greet all visitors in her neighborhood! A bientôt.
Bonjour Veronique! My sister and I are traveling to Paris in about two weeks. My aunt has rented an airbnb in Menilmontant for all of us. How safe is the area for single woman to exercise in the early mornings? We are so excited to be staying in the area. Just want to make sure my sister who has never traveled to Europe is safe if she goes out by herself.!
Bonjour Jennie. Thank you for stopping by. I don’t know how old your sister is, or how used she is to urban environments, but running around Menilmontant should not be a problem if she uses common sense: Keep to yourself; watch out for traffic; don’t show off your brand-new phone, etc. All the “urban living basic safety tips apply.” She should stick to major streets until she can figure her way around, and start exploring side streets and alleys when her confidence grows. Have fun in Paris!