Peaceful Paris

Peaceful Paris is for Lucky-Fews
An important fact one learns as a Paris resident: Fortunate are those who make a home in the heart of the big city at the back of a small, private garden hidden by tall metallic gates, at the end of a secret alleyway or courtyard protected by a heavy door (complete with digicode.)
A few feet away “les passants” (passersby) local or not, go about their day looking ahead, on a mission. They seem oblivious to the secret oasis hiding (almost) in plain sight.
Ah, “les veinards” (the Lucky-Fews!) They have found peace in the fast-paced urban environment away from street noise and crowds. Outside their windows, the air seems cleaner, the sky more blue.
I did manage to live in such a prized environment during my Parisian years, however at the top of a tall building, in a 19 meter (200 square foot) studio nicknamed “the 7th Heaven.”
Win some, lose some. Of course, life was much quieter then in the spring of 2020…

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